
Region: Grünstadt

Prevented drunk driving

On Saturday, January 18, 2025, at 02:34 AM, the Grünstadt Police Station was informed that several people were shouting in Saarlandstraße in Grünstadt. The deployed police officers were able to identify a 28-year-old man and a 42-year-old woman on site, who were arguing loudly.
A strong smell of alcohol could be detected from the man. During the recording of the incident, he walked towards a car assigned to him, which is why a possible departure was prevented by securing the car key. He will get the key back when he can prove his sobriety to the police.

For further inquiries please contact:

Grünstadt Police Station
Bitzenstraße 2
67269 Grünstadt

Liedtke, PK

Phone: 06359 9312 0


Press releases of the Rhineland-Palatinate Police are free for publication with mention of the

Original content from: Police Directorate Neustadt/Weinstraße, transmitted by news aktuell


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