
Region: Dillenburg

+++ Multiple Parking Bumps - Mirror driven off in curve +++

Dillenburg: Car park bump during football tournament- A damage of around 1,000 euros was caused by a so far unknown driver, presumably when parking his vehicle. The accident took place in the car park of the Wilhelm-von-Oranien-Schule in Dillenburg during a football tournament on 11.1.2025 between 7.30 and 10.30 am.
The car of the person who caused the accident may be silver. The Dillenburg police are accepting information at Tel.: (02771) 9070.

Wetzlar: Vehicle touched- Upon returning to his parked car, a VW driver noticed a dent damage of around 2,000 euros to his vehicle. An unknown person caused the damage on Wednesday (15.1.2025) between 7.30 am and 4 pm. The vehicle was parked on Am Schmittenberg street in Wetzlar, near house number 10. The Wetzlar police are asking for witness information, Tel.: (06441) 9180.

Waldsolms - Mirror knocked off in curve- On Tuesday morning (14.1.2025) at around 10.30 am, a 57-year-old female driver was driving on the L30522 from Waldsolms towards Grävenwiesbach. In the curve, an oncoming vehicle drove on her lane for unknown reasons and touched the car of the 57-year-old. The resulting damage to the mirror caused a damage of around 500 euros. The Dillenburg police are accepting information at Tel.: (02771) 9070.

For further inquiries please contact:

Police Headquarters Central Hessen
Press and Public Relations
Ferniestraße 8

35394 Gießen
Phone: 0641/7006-2041



Original content from: Police Headquarters Central Hessen - Press Office Lahn - Dill, transmitted by news aktuell


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