
Region: Neuss

Police apprehend fleeing shoplifter

On Thursday (16.01.), around 2:30 pm, police officers apprehended and temporarily arrested a fleeing shoplifter during a search on Augustinusstraße. The 50-year-old man from Dormagen, known to the police and of Turkish nationality, had previously stolen goods (including perfume and razor blades) from several stores.
He had offered the goods, which had a low three-digit total value, for sale to passengers waiting at the local bus stop.

As the man was carrying a kitchen knife ready to hand, he is now being investigated for theft with weapons. In such a case, a conviction could result in prison sentences between 6 months and 10 years.

The Criminal Investigation Department 14 has taken over further investigations.

Press representatives please direct inquiries to:

The District Administrator of
Rhein-Kreis Neuss as
County Police Authority
-Press Office-
Jülicher Landstraße 178
41464 Neuss
Phone: 02131/300-14000
Fax: 02131/300-14009

Original content from: Rhein-Kreis Neuss County Police Authority, transmitted by news aktuell


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