
Region: Bocholt

Bocholt - Theft from parked car

Crime scene: Bocholt, Blumenstraße;Time of crime: between 16.01.2025, 18.00 hours, and 17.01.2025, 07.45 hours;Unknown individuals stole cash and a tablet computer from a car in Bocholt on the night of Friday. The vehicle was parked on Blumenstraße.
How the perpetrators were able to open it is unclear. The Criminal Investigation Department in Bocholt is asking for information at Tel. (02871) 2990. The police reiterate their appeal not to leave valuables in the vehicle. (to)

Contact for media representatives:

Borken County Police Authority
Press Office
Markus Hüls (mh), Peter Lefering (pl), Thorsten Ohm (to),
Ann-Christin Osterholt (ao), Müzeyyen Sander (ms)
Phone: 02861-900-2222

Original content from: Borken County Police Authority, transmitted by news aktuell


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