An information field with a warning message and a supposed Microsoft hotline appeared in the toolbar. The user was informed that he had a harmful virus and should contact the hotline. The 53-year-old then made a phone call to the provided number. In the following conversation, the alleged Microsoft employee persuaded the man to reveal personal data through skillful conversation. He then received several codes to unlock programs later. At a later point in the conversation, the man paid attention to background noises and noticed engine noises. He therefore suspected a scam, ended the conversation, shut down the laptop, and disconnected the Wi-Fi connection.
On the same day, the 43-year-old went to his bank, which immediately showed him several withdrawals by unknown persons. The financial damage so far amounts to around 2,000 euros. It is not yet known to the police to what extent the withdrawals can still be stopped.
The police warn:
For inquiries, please contact:
Nicole Minge
Police Headquarters Konstanz
Phone: 07531 995-3355
Original content from: Police Headquarters Konstanz, transmitted by news aktuell