
Region: Bonn

Demonstration with elevator in Bonn on Sunday, 19.01.2025

On Sunday, January 19, 2025, a gathering on the topic of "Demo against the right" will take place in the city center of Bonn. The organizer expects about 100 participants.
The gathering begins at 12:00 PM at Hofgarten and then moves as a procession along the following route: Hofgarten, Lennéstraße, Nassestraße, Kaiserstraße, Königstraße, Prinz-Albert-Straße, Weberstraße, Bonner Talweg, Poppelsdorfer Allee, Kaiserplatz, Maximilianstraße, Wesselstraße, Am Hof, Bischofsplatz, Marktplatz The gathering is expected to end around 2:00 PM.

For the duration of the demonstration, there may be traffic disruptions along the procession route.

For any queries, please contact:

Bonn Police
Press Office
Phone: 0228 - 1510-21 to 23
Fax: 0228-151202

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Original content from: Bonn Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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