
Region: Gütersloh

Single-family house burglary in Steinhagen

Steinhagen (FK) - Between 08:00 and 20:00 on Thursday (16.01.), burglars smashed a window to gain entry into a house on Bodelschwinghstraße. Once inside, they searched through drawers and cabinets.
Jewelry was stolen. The Gütersloh Police are looking for witnesses. Who noticed any suspicious activity around the time of the crime at the scene or in the surrounding area? Tips can be given to the Gütersloh Police at the phone number 05241 869-0.

For any queries, please contact:

Gütersloh Police
Press Office Gütersloh Police
Phone: 05241 869-2271

Original content from: Gütersloh Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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