The police had initiated extensive search measures, in which the Bad Wildungen fire brigade with a drone and several rescue search dogs were also involved.
The missing person was found in Bad Wildungen-Reinhardshausen on Friday at around 07.00 am. He was brought home unharmed, where family members are taking care of him.
The police would like to thank everyone who supported the search for the 70-year-old. Media representatives are asked to remove the photo from their reports as far as possible
Dirk Richter
Chief Detective Inspector
For any queries, please contact:
North Hesse Police Headquarters
Waldeck-Frankenberg Police Directorate
Pommernstr. 41
34497 Korbach
Press Office
Phone: 05631/971 160 or -161
Fax: 0611/32766-1012
Original content from: Korbach Police, distributed by news aktuell
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