
Region: Sonneberg

Two slightly injured persons in traffic accident

On Saturday, January 18, 2025, around 09:15 am, there was a traffic accident at the intersection of Köppelsodrfer Street / Rathenaustraße involving two cars. The driver of one of the cars was driving along Köppeldorfer Street towards Coburger Allee.
At the same time, a woman was driving along Oberlindner Street and wanted to cross the intersection over Köppelsdorfer Street into Rathenaustraße. She overlooked the right-of-way driver on Köppelsdorfer Street and a collision occurred. Both drivers suffered minor injuries in the collision and were taken to the hospital. Both vehicles were so severely damaged that they were no longer drivable. They had to be removed from the accident scene by a towing company.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Thuringian Police
State Police Inspection Saalfeld
Police Inspection Sonneberg
Phone: 03675 875 0

Original content from: State Police Inspection Saalfeld, transmitted by news aktuell


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