
Region: Koblenz

Residential house damaged by alleged shooting with steel balls

There was a case of property damage to the window, roller shutter, and the plaster of the exterior facade of a residential building on Meißener Straße in the Karthause district of Koblenz yesterday, 16.01.2025, between 08:30 am and 20:10 pm. As part of the subsequent investigations, it was verified that these damages were likely caused by shooting with several steel balls from a slingshot.
The police are looking for witnesses who have observed anything suspicious or can provide any relevant information. These can be submitted to the Koblenz 1 Police Inspection at 0261/92156-300 or

For any queries, please contact:

Koblenz Police Headquarters
Press Office - V. Heinrich

Phone: 0261-103-50023

Original content from: Koblenz Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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