
Region: Bingen

Car driver without a license under the influence of narcotics

Early on Friday morning, the 17th of January 2025, at around 00:50 am, a patrol unit of the Bingen Police Inspection becomes aware of a car in the area of Gerbhausstraße in Bingen, which they subject to a vehicle check. Already at the beginning of the check, drug-related abnormalities can be detected in the 23-year-old driver.
Confronted with these abnormalities, the driver admits to recent consumption of cannabis and cocaine. A quick drug test confirms the statement. Consequently, a blood sample is taken from the 23-year-old for evidence. Furthermore, the driver cannot present a driver's license to the officers. There is suspicion that it has already been revoked and he was therefore driving without a valid license. Due to the findings, several criminal and one fine proceedings are initiated against the driver.

For further inquiries please contact:

Bingen Police Inspection

Phone: 06721 905-0

Original content from: Bingen Police Inspection, transmitted by news aktuell


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