
Region: Schortens

Witness appeal after assault in the disco in Schortens

The Schortens police station is currently investigating an assault case that allegedly took place at 03:40 AM on January 4, 2025, in a discotheque in Schortens. According to reports, an incident occurred in the toilet area where two as yet unknown male perpetrators are said to have assaulted a 25-year-old man from Wilhelmshaven, who fell to the ground and injured his arm.
Witnesses who can provide relevant information are asked to contact the Schortens police at the phone number 04461 984 93-0.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Police Inspection Wilhelmshaven/Friesland
Mozartstraße 29
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Phone: 04421 942-104
Outside the press office's business hours - 04421 942-216

Original content from: Police Inspection Wilhelmshaven/Friesland, transmitted by news aktuell


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