
Region: Biedenkopf

+ Break-in at nursing home + Rear window destroyed +

Dautphetal: Break-in at Nursing HomeBurglars broke into a nursing home on Friedensdorfer Street in Dautphetal between Thursday (16.01.2025), 16:30 and Friday (17.01.2025), 08:00. They damaged a window and broke into cabinets in a room. The perpetrators took three cash boxes.
Witnesses who noticed suspicious persons or vehicles are asked to contact the criminal police in Marburg (Tel.: 06421 4060).

Marburg: Rear Window Destroyed

Between 07:50 and 13:10 on Thursday (16.01.2025), an unknown person destroyed the rear window of a black Hyundai i20. The car was parked during this time in the parking lot of the Adolf-Reichwein-School on Weintrautstraße in Marburg. The Marburg police accept information at Tel.: 06421 4060.

Tobias Schwarz, Press Spokesman

For inquiries please contact:

Police Headquarters Central Hessen
Press and Public Relations
Ferniestraße 8

35394 Gießen
Phone: 0641/7006-2044



Original content from: Police Headquarters Central Hessen - Press Office Marburg-Biedenkopf, transmitted by news aktuell


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