
Region: Hamm

Police seek witnesses after hedge fire

The police are looking for witnesses following a fire on Ermelinghofstraße who can provide information about the cause of the fire. On Wednesday evening, 15th January, around 7 pm, flames ignited in a hedge in front of a multi-family house.
Police officers evacuated the residents immediately upon their arrival. The fire department was able to completely extinguish the fire shortly thereafter, preventing it from spreading to the building.

All those present remained unharmed. There was property damage in the three-digit range.

Due to the weather conditions, it is assumed that the fire did not ignite itself. Investigations are now underway on suspicion of property damage by fire against a 14-year-old from Hamm.

The officers found him in the immediate vicinity of the residential building. The teenager has previously been noticed for similar offenses.

The Hamm police are accepting further information about the fire and suspicious persons at 02381 916-0 or at (jes)

For any queries, please contact:

Hamm Police Headquarters
Press Office Hamm Police
Phone: 02381 916-1006

Original content from: Hamm Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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