A short time later, the federal police officers identified a Turkish national who was on the entry of a flight from Cukurova/Turkey. During the entry control, it was found that the 24-year-old was wanted by the Passau Public Prosecutor's Office. This had issued a warrant for misuse of identification against the man convicted in July 2024 in December 2024. However, the man living in Turkey was also able to pay the fine of 150 euros on the spot to the Federal Police and thus avert the substitute imprisonment of five days.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin
Federal Police Inspection Airport Düsseldorf
Press Office
Daniela Maaßen
Phone: +49 (0) 211 / 9518 - 108
Email: presse.dus@polizei.bund.de
X (Twitter): @BPOL NRW
PO Box 30 04 42
40404 Düsseldorf
Further information can be found atwww.bundespolizei.deor
at the above contact address.
Original content from: Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin, transmitted by news aktuell
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