
Region: Dortmund

Police arrest bicycle thief

Ref. No.
: 0035

On Sunday (12th January) at around 3:20 pm, a 50-year-old man discovered that his e-bike had travelled with him to the Thier-Galerie, but had continued on without him from there. The police were able to apprehend a 57-year-old man with the stolen e-bike near Nordmarkt shortly afterwards.

The 50-year-old owner of the bicycle called the police because he had locked his e-bike to a bicycle rack in front of the Thier-Galerie, but the bike was no longer there after a few hours. With the help of a location determination, the bicycle owner was able to locate his bike near the Nordmarkt. The police found a 57-year-old man along with the e-bike at the located spot. The man also had various tools and narcotics with him. The bicycle was indeed the one that should have been locked at the Thier-Galerie. The bicycle was returned to its rightful owner.

The police arrested the 57-year-old. At the request of the Dortmund public prosecutor's office, the investigating judge issued a warrant of arrest against the man. He now faces, among other things, criminal proceedings for particularly serious theft and a criminal proceeding for violation of the Narcotics Act.

Journalists with queries please contact:

Dortmund Police
Theresa Stritzke
Phone: 0231/132-1026

Original content from: Dortmund Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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