
Region: Köln

Clearly traveling too fast

(fg) Last Wednesday (January 8, 2025), an Opel driver was clocked at 72 kilometers per hour over the speed limit by a patrol on Federal Highway 45 just before the Tannenmühl roundabout. The Opel had caught the attention of the officers on Federal Highway 43a towards Dieburg due to its driving style around 12:50 pm.
At the junction of Hanau main station, the Opel driver apparently did not maintain the required safety distance to the vehicle in front. In this area, a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour is allowed by traffic signs; the Opel exceeded the speed limit twice in this area.

The Insignia then drove onto Federal Highway 45, where the speed limit is initially 100 and then reduced to 80 km/h just before the Tannenmühl roundabout. In the area where the speed limit is 80 kilometers per hour, the Opel was clocked at 152 kilometers per hour. The driver of the Insignia then drove onto the A3 motorway towards Cologne and quickly moved into the left lane. Here he was noticed for repeatedly overtaking on the right. After further suspected distance violations were observed, the car was stopped at the Hainbach parking lot and the driver and the other three passengers were checked. The man from Langenselbold now faces a fine of at least 700 euros, two points in the driving license register, and a three-month driving ban.

Offenbach, 13.01.2025, Press Office, Thomas Leipold

For any queries, please contact:

Police Headquarters Southeast Hessen
- Press Office -
Spessartring 61
63071 Offenbach am Main

Phone: 069 / 8098 - 1210 (collective number)

Thomas Leipold (lei) - 1201 or 0160 / 980 00745
Felix Geis (fg) - 1211 or 0162 / 201 3806
Claudia Benneckenstein (cb) - 1214 or 0152 / 066 23109
Alexander Schlüter (as) - 1223 or 0162 / 201 3290

Fax: 0611 / 32766-5014

Original content from: Police Headquarters Southeast Hessen, distributed by news aktuell


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