"The convicted person had been under a warrant of arrest from the Munich I Public Prosecutor's Office for fraud since the end of August 2024, as the German national had not paid a demanded fine of 2,240.00 euros."
The wanted person stated that she could not afford the amount and therefore contacted an acquaintance.
This person appeared at the Federal Police station and paid the outstanding amount, so that the 24-year-old did not have to serve the 56-day substitute freedom sentence.
The woman was then released from the Federal Police Station.
For inquiries please contact:
Robert Hemp
Phone: 0174 2088415
Email: bpoli.hamburg.oea@polizei.bund.de
Federal Police Inspection Hamburg
Wilsonstraße 49, 51 a-b, 53 a-b
22045 Hamburg
Original content from: Federal Police Inspection Hamburg, transmitted by news aktuell
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