Contact for media representatives:
Borken County Police Authority
Press Office
Markus Hüls (mh), Peter Lefering (pl), Thorsten Ohm (to),
Ann-Christin Osterholt (ao), Müzeyyen Sander (ms)
Phone: 02861-900-2222
Original content from: Borken County Police Authority, transmitted by news aktuell
Latest Posts

14.01.2025 09:53
Hoya/Bücken - Traffic accident with two slightly injured persons

14.01.2025 10:49
Burglary in a single-family house

13.01.2025 10:37
BPOL-KL: Arrest warrant executed at Neustadt an der Weinstraße train station

13.01.2025 02:41
Caught with stolen bicycle

13.01.2025 13:00
Motorcycle stolen from garage

13.01.2025 08:55