On Saturday afternoon, the Gifhorn police were informed at around 4:00 pm that a car on Bundesstraße 4 in the two-lane area drove over several warning barriers and then illegally left the scene of the accident. During the accident investigation on site, the deployed police officers of the Gifhorn Police Inspection found the front license plate of the causing car. Further investigations led to a 33-year-old accident causer, who now has to face a criminal proceeding for leaving the scene of an accident without permission according to § 142 StGB.
2. Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs:
Early on Saturday morning, officers of the PK Meinersen checked a 21-year-old e-scooter driver in Wesendorf at around 00:20 am. During the check, there were indications that he was under the influence of drugs. A rapid test carried out on site confirmed the officers' assumption. A blood sample was taken from him. In addition, the e-scooter did not have valid liability insurance.
Also on Saturday morning, officers of the Gifhorn Police Inspection checked the driver of an e-scooter on Lehmweg in Gifhorn at around 05:00 am. The 18-year-old was under the influence of both alcohol and presumably several drugs. The obligatory blood sample was taken at the hospital.
On Saturday evening, a patrol car crew of the Gifhorn Police Inspection checked a 39-year-old vehicle driver of a car on Gifhorner Braunschweiger Straße, who was driving at a significantly excessive speed. During the check, it was found that the 39-year-old was also under the influence of alcoholic beverages. A court-admissible measurement in the premises of the Gifhorn Police Inspection confirmed this. He now has to face a fine procedure.
For inquiries, please contact:
Police Inspection Gifhorn
i.A. Iwasinski, PHK
Phone: + 49 (0)5371 / 980-0
Fax: + 49 (0)5371 / 980-150
Email: pressestelle@pi-gf.polizei.niedersachsen.de
Original content from: Police Inspection Gifhorn, transmitted by news aktuell
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