
Traffic hazard in 66292 Riegelsberg

On Friday, January 10, 2025, at around 11:05 pm, the Völklingen Police Inspection received information about a car stuck on the Saar railway tracks in Riegelsberg in the area of Russenweg / Am Mühlengarten. A 54-year-old driver was identified who was clearly under the influence of alcohol and had misjudged the local conditions.
A breath alcohol test revealed a value of over 2 per mille. Therefore, a blood sample was taken and the driver's license was retained. Whether damage to the tracks occurred is currently unknown. The Ford was moved by a towing service. A criminal investigation for suspected endangerment of road traffic was initiated. Due to his severe intoxication, the driver could not be left to himself. He had to sleep off his intoxication in a cell of the Völklingen Police Inspection.

Media representatives please direct inquiries to:

Völklingen Police Inspection
Cloosstraße 14-16
66333 Völklingen
Phone: 06898/2020

Original content from: Völklingen Police Inspection, transmitted by news aktuell


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