During the arrival and departure, there were no police-relevant events. Larger groups of people were accompanied by the federal police, which contributed to the maintenance of public order.
In total, about 8,000 people took the opportunity to travel by train to and from Riesa.
Due to the high number of travelers during the return journey, the federal police carried out a block departure at Riesa station. This measure was taken to avoid overcrowding of the platforms and thus ensure the protection of the train passengers.
Police Director Rico Reuschel, the police leader of the federal police, expressed satisfaction with the course of the operation: "In cooperation with the state police of Saxony, we worked closely together. The safe arrival and departure of the assembly participants could be ensured by the federal police."
For further inquiries, please contact:
Federal Police Inspection Dresden
Press Office
Phone: 0351 / 81502 - 2020
Email: bpoli.dresden.oea@polizei.bund.de
Original content from: Federal Police Inspection Dresden, transmitted by news aktuell
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