
Region: Namborn

Burglary in carpentry shop

Unknown individuals forcefully broke into a carpentry shop in Furschweiler over the weekend, between the hours of 17:00 and 09:00 from Friday night to Saturday morning. Apparently, the perpetrators entered the company through a window in the rear area and stole, among other things, work machines worth a total of approximately 1,000 EUR.
The evidence at the scene and a wheelbarrow found on site suggest that the thieves may have pushed the stolen goods across an adjacent field and then loaded them into a vehicle they had brought with them. The police are looking for witnesses who may have made suspicious observations in this context. Tips can be given by phone at 06851 - 8980 or by email at

Media representatives please direct your inquiries to:

Police Inspection Sankt Wendel
Mommstraße 37-39
66606 St. Wendel
Phone: 06851/8980

Original content from: Police Inspection Sankt Wendel, transmitted by news aktuell


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