
Region: Gevelsberg

Robbery Theft - Metal Grate Stolen - Perpetrators Flee with Vehicle

On January 17, 2025, at around 11:35 am, unknown perpetrators stole several metal grids from the premises of a company located in Haßlinghauser Straße in Gevelsberg. They then left in a small transporter with Krefeld license plates in an unknown direction.
The company owner tried to stop the perpetrators, but was unsuccessful.

For any inquiries, please contact:

Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Police Department
Press Office
Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Police Department
Strückerberger Straße 32, 58256 Ennepetal
Phone: 02333 9166-1200 or Mobile 0174/6310227

Original content from: Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Police Department, transmitted by news aktuell


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