
New phone numbers for all police stations of the West Palatinate Police Headquarters

All preparations are in place, starting Tuesday (January 21, 2025): The police stations of the West Palatinate Police Headquarters are getting new phone numbers. The reason: The telephone system is being upgraded to a more modern technology (we last reported:">

All police stations in the West Palatinate will be reachable in the future via the same "main number" 0631 369- and an individual extension. The fax numbers will also be uniformly reachable via the number 06131 4868 plus extension. The Mainz area code 06131 is important here.

During the transition, the stations will be temporarily unavailable by phone.

The central phone number 0631 369-0 for the West Palatinate Police Headquarters in Kaiserslautern remains unchanged, the fax number will be 06131 4868-7922 in the future.

The emergency number 110 is not affected by the change and can be reached from all German telephone networks without an area code. Always dial 110 in emergencies. Only call this number in an emergency. The emergency call is not a telephone directory!

The new phone numbers and the date of the switch in overview:

from January 21

from January 22

from January 23

from January 28

from January 29

from January 30

Additional phone numbers, such as those of the Police Advisory Center, the press office or the youth traffic schools, can now be found the Internet.

In the future, you can also find the new phone numbers via the station search on the website of the Rhineland-Palatinate |erf

Contact details for press inquiries:

West Palatinate Police Headquarters

Press Office

Phone: 0631 369-1080 or -0
++ ATTENTION, new phone number from 01/21/2025: 0631 / 369-10022 ++


Original content from: West Palatinate Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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