
Region: Lörrach

Fire at logistics company - no injured persons - Roll container catches fire at local DHL distribution center - relatively minor property damage - extensive cleaning work to be expected

Lörrach DistrictMunicipality of Efringen-KirchenOn 19.01.2025 at around 03:50 am, a fire alarm was reported to the Integrated Control Centre of the Fire Brigade and Rescue Service in Lörrach at a local DHL distribution centre in Efringen-Kirchen. The arriving forces of the fire brigade and police patrols on site found that a roll container with cargo inside the building was apparently on fire.
Thanks to the swift intervention of the fire brigade, the fire in the building was quickly contained. Only 5 roll containers with shipments were affected. There was no significant fire damage to the building.

However, the entire interior of the hall was heavily soiled by soot, which will require extensive and expensive cleaning work.

No one was injured in the fire or the firefighting efforts.

According to the current state of investigations, there are no indications of external interference or a shipment with hazardous substances that could have caused the fire. A technical defect in the building is also considered unlikely.

The Weil am Rhein police station has taken over the investigation into the cause of the fire. At present, it is highly likely that improperly packaged goods or a defective electronic small device in one of the shipments (e.g. a damaged battery of a mobile phone) is suspected.

So far, there have been no indications of tampering with any of the shipments.


Media enquiries please to:

Freiburg Police Headquarters
Press Office
Phone: 0761/882-0


- Outside office hours -

Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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