
Region: Essen

BPOL NRW: Dangerous Interference with Rail Traffic - Federal Police Investigating

Last night (January 16), a man clung to a departing S-Bahn train at Essen's main station. A railway employee noticed the situation and was able to give a warning signal to the train driver, who then initiated an emergency brake.
When the witness then wanted to contact the federal police, the suspect attacked him.

At around 10:35 pm, the federal police station in Essen was informed about a S-Bahn surfer. Prior to this, the 36-year-old is said to have stood on the step of the driver's cab during the departure of the S9. The 33-year-old witness, who noticed the situation, then gave a warning signal to the train driver. As a result, the train driver initiated an emergency brake, causing the S-Bahn to stop after about 20 meters. When the railway employee (33) then wanted to notify the federal police, the man from Cologne is said to have tried to snatch the mobile phone from his hand, leading to a scuffle between the two men. Subsequently, the German citizen got on the S-Bahn, where the federal police officers finally found him.

When the uniformed officers confronted the 36-year-old with the allegations, he exercised his right to remain silent. In addition, the man from Cologne was unrepentant and uncooperative towards the officers.

Meanwhile, the 21-year-old witness told the police officers that she and the accused wanted to get on the train. The doors of the S-Bahn are said to have been closed at this time, after which the man from Cologne ran towards the driver's cab, stood on the step and knocked on the window. Shortly afterwards, the train is said to have started moving. The train driver claims not to have noticed the 36-year-old or his knocking, and to have initiated an emergency brake only because of the warning signal from his colleague.

Due to the situation, the 29-year-old train driver was no longer able to continue his service and had to be replaced. Passengers on the S-Bahn were not injured.

The federal police officers secured the video material from the surveillance cameras and initiated an investigation against the man from Cologne for dangerous interference with rail traffic and for assault.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin
Federal Police Inspection Dortmund
Press Office
Pia Leonhardt
Phone: +49 (0) 231 / 56 22 47 - 1012
Mobile: +49 (0) 173/ 71 50 710
X (Twitter): @BPOL NRW

Untere Brinkstraße 81-89
44141 Dortmund

Further information can be obtained atwww.bundespolizei.deor
at the above contact address.

Original content from: Federal Police Directorate Sankt Augustin, transmitted by news aktuell


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