
Region: Wetzlar

BPOL-KS: Property damage at Wetzlar train station

So far, unknown individuals have caused damage amounting to around 1500 Euros through several acts of vandalism at Wetzlar train station. The entrance door to the main hall was damaged after the perpetrators used an unknown object to tamper with the locking mechanism.
A fire in the passenger tunnel resulted in damage to the wooden cladding.

The time of the crime still needs to be determined. The Federal Police Inspection Kassel has initiated investigations and criminal proceedings for property damage.

Anyone who can provide information about the perpetrators is asked to contact the Federal Police Inspection Kassel at Tel. No.: 0561/81616-0 or

For further inquiries, please contact:

Federal Police Inspection Kassel
Heerstr. 5
34119 Kassel
Tanja Büdenbender
Phone: 0561/81616 - 1012
Twitter: @bpol_koblenz

Original content from: Federal Police Inspection Kassel, transmitted by news aktuell


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