
Region: Reutlingen

Person in a mental state of emergency

Neuffen (ES): Person in mental state of emergencyA major operation by emergency services took place on Thursday morning on Neuffener Hauptstraße. Shortly after 5.30 a.
m., a 35-year-old resident of a multi-family house began shouting loudly out of the window and throwing objects from his apartment. As the man, who was obviously in a mental state of emergency, did not respond to any attempts by the officers to communicate and refused to open the apartment door, the area around the building was cordoned off. In addition, a police negotiation team, the emergency medical service including an emergency doctor, and the fire brigade were called in. Shortly after eight o'clock, the 35-year-old jumped from his apartment onto the awning of a neighboring business and from there onto the ground. He was subsequently arrested without resistance by police officers and handed over to the emergency services. The man sustained injuries of unknown extent in the two jumps. He had to be taken to a clinic in an ambulance and admitted there for inpatient treatment. A drone was used during the operation. (ms)

For further inquiries please contact:

Michael Schaal (ms), phone 07121/942-1104

Police Headquarters Reutlingen

Phone: Mon. - Fri./7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.: 07121/942-1111
outside these hours: 07121/942-2224

Original content from: Police Headquarters Reutlingen, transmitted by news aktuell


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