Please contact the relevant police stations by phone:
Police Leer 0491-976900
Police Emden 04921-8910
Highway Police Leer 0491-960740
Police Station Borkum 04922-91860
Police Station Bunde 04953-921520
Police Station Filsum 04957-928120
Police Station Hesel 04950-995570
Police Station Jemgum 04958-910420
Police Station Moormerland 04954-955450
Police Station Ostrhauderfehn 04952-829680
Police Station Rhauderfehn 04952-9230
Police Station Uplengen 04956-927450
Police Station Weener 04951-914820
Police Station Westoverledingen 04955-937920
For queries, please contact:
Police Inspection Leer/Emden
Mr. Engberts
Phone: 0491-97690 212
Original content from: Police Inspection Leer/Emden, transmitted by news aktuell
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