
Region: München

Fire Department Procurement: CSU Faction Initiates Efficient Reform Proposal

The CSU parliamentary group is advocating for a fundamental reform of the procurement system for similar fire department vehicles. The aim is to offer municipalities in Bavaria an alternative, centralized procurement method in the future to reduce costs and administrative effort.
Currently, municipalities independently determine and procure the need for fire department vehicles and equipment, often involving the commissioning of external offices. Central procurement through state competence centers has already proven successful in other federal states.

The initiator of the motion, Thorsten Schwab, said:

"The current processes burden the municipalities with high personnel expenditure and cost-intensive tendering procedures. With a centralized procurement office, we could not only relieve the municipalities, but also achieve considerable savings. This is a win for the fire departments, the municipalities, the more than 300,000 volunteers, and ultimately for all citizens of Bavaria. The reform has practical relevance for 2,000 municipalities in Bavaria and comes directly from municipal reality. Our fire departments do outstanding work for our society every day. It is our task to equip them as best as possible - and at fair and economically justifiable conditions. With centralized procurement, we can achieve this goal."

The fire policy spokesman of the CSU faction, Norbert Dünkel, emphasized:

"With this proposal, we not only want to reduce costs for the municipalities, but also increase the efficiency of procurement. A centralized procurement method can, for example, reduce the price of a fire truck from currently around 500,000 euros to about 350,000 euros. This enormous savings potential of up to 15 million euros for 100 vehicles is a clear argument for the reform. In a first step, the new procurement strategy is to be tested in 2025 with a standardized vehicle type - of course in close coordination and in conjunction with the state fire brigade association. The results then have to be precisely evaluated for savings potential. Based on the knowledge gained, a long-term efficient and simple procurement and funding system can be developed. At the same time, it remains up to the municipalities to continue to procure vehicles and equipment tailored to their specific needs."

Press contact:

Sebastian Kraft
Press Spokesman

Michaela Lochner
Deputy Press Spokeswoman

Tobias Klahr
Deputy Press Spokesman

Original content from: CSU parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament, transmitted by news aktuell


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