Press release from 13.01.2025, 13:40 hrs
Schwanau, Allmannsweier - Suspected thieves temporarily arrested after tip-off
Schwanau, Allmannsweier The police officers were able to temporarily arrest two men, aged 24 and 33, who are suspected of having stolen donation money, following a tip-off from a witness. Members of the Schwanau youth fire brigade organise an annual "Christmas tree collection campaign", in which the old Christmas trees of the citizens are collected by the youth fire brigade at the roadside. As a thank you, the residents of Schwanau attach a small bag with a sum of money to the respective trees. Apparently, some light-fingered individuals also became aware of the campaign and used it to enrich themselves. An attentive witness was able to observe how two men were tampering with the trees shortly before 11 a.m. on Saturday morning and took the money. The officers alerted by the witness immediately initiated search measures and were able to stop the suspects in Waldstraße. Coin and note money in the mid double-digit range were found and secured in the suspects' clothing. Investigations were initiated against the duo for theft.
For inquiries, please contact:
Offenburg Police Headquarters
Phone: 0781 - 211211
Email: offenburg.pp.sts.oe@polizei.bwl.de
Original content from: Offenburg Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
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