According to current knowledge, the perpetrator stole goods worth several hundred euros.
Witnesses who noticed anything suspicious in the area of Hohenkrähenstraße during the relevant period, or individuals who can provide information on the identity of the unknown person, are asked to contact the Singen police station at Tel. 07731 888-0.
Take advantage of your police service to know whether you are adequately protected and how you can better secure yourself: The criminal police advisory services offer competent, free and neutral on-site consultations and provide you with security recommendations. Appointments can be arranged at the Konstanz Police Headquarters by calling: 07531/995-1044.
For any queries, please contact:
Katrin Rosenthal
Konstanz Police Headquarters
Press Office
Phone: 07531 995-3355
Original content from: Konstanz Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
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