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Police Directorate Montabaur
Police Inspection Montabaur
Phone: 02602-9226-0
Original content from: Police Directorate Montabaur, transmitted by news aktuell
Latest Posts

14.01.2025 11:00
Suddenly there was a crash

14.01.2025 12:15
(Konstanz) Technical defect leads to fire in the refrigeration room of a supermarket (13.01.2025)

14.01.2025 12:05
Cross-country ski trails destroyed - Witnesses sought

14.01.2025 06:52
(KA) Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen - Theft from Vehicle - Police Seeking Witnesses

15.01.2025 10:50
Driving without a license

14.01.2025 10:45