But that was not all: The 47-year-old driver handed over a driver's license that was marked "not valid in Germany". The man was then informed that he was committing a crime by driving without a license. - Not for the first time, as further checks revealed. This was the fourth offense of this kind within two years.
The driver's license was therefore confiscated. Further investigations on this are pending.
It will also be checked how a valid sticker was issued at the last main inspection, which is supposed to have taken place in November 2023.
The onward journey was prohibited and the vehicle was towed. The owner of the Iveco van also faces legal consequences, at least a report for tolerating driving without a license. |cri
Contact details for press inquiries:
West Palatinate Police Headquarters
Press Office
Phone: 0631 369-1080 or -0
++ ATTENTION, new phone number from 21.01.2025: 0631 / 369-10022 ++
Email: ppwestpfalz.presse@polizei.rlp.de
Original content from: West Palatinate Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
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