For any queries, please contact:
Offenburg Police Headquarters
Phone: 0781 - 211211
Email: offenburg.pp.sts.oe@polizei.bwl.de
Original content from: Offenburg Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
Latest Posts
13.01.2025 12:30
(Spaichingen / District of Tuttlingen) - Brawl in front of restaurant - One person injured (11.01.2025)
13.01.2025 12:53
Residential fire in Vierbach - Follow-up report
13.01.2025 13:25
Bergkamen - Traffic accident with one slightly injured person
14.01.2025 11:31
(UL) Langenau - Wood catches fire / On Monday, the fire brigade was deployed in Hörvelsingen
14.01.2025 15:05
Focused controls of the transit prohibition
14.01.2025 10:53