
Current complete closure due to vehicle fire

(lei) Due to a vehicle fire on the A66 motorway between the Bad Orb/Wächtersbach and Bad Soden-Salmünster junctions, the motorway in the direction of Fulda is currently completely closed for firefighting operations. Caution: The road surface may currently be very slippery due to the firefighting water.
Caution: The road surface may currently be very slippery due to the firefighting water! Work is underway to rectify this situation.

The cause of the fire is still unclear. According to initial findings, no one was injured.

Offenbach, January 13, 2025, Press Office, Thomas Leipold

Please direct any queries to:

Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse
- Press Office -
Spessartring 61
63071 Offenbach am Main

Phone: 069 / 8098 - 1210 (collective number)

Thomas Leipold (lei) - 1201 or 0160 / 980 00745
Felix Geis (fg) - 1211 or 0162 / 201 3806
Claudia Benneckenstein (cb) - 1214 or 0152 / 066 23109
Alexander Schlüter (as) - 1223 or 0162 / 201 3290

Fax: 0611 / 32766-5014

Original content from: Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse, transmitted by news aktuell


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