
Region: Gotha

Rear-end collision - Suzuki no longer drivable

At 17:05 on Saturday afternoon, a rear-end collision on the B 247 between Hohenkirchen and Schwabhausen resulted in property damage amounting to 6,000 Euros. A 76-year-old Suzuki driver failed to notice the braking of the Mazda in front of him, driven by a 60-year-old, and rear-ended it.
The Suzuki of the person who caused the accident was no longer drivable as a result of the accident and had to be towed. No one was injured. (ml)

For further inquiries, please contact:

Thuringian Police
State Police Inspection Gotha
Inspection Service Gotha
Phone: 03621/781124

Original content from: State Police Inspection Gotha, transmitted by news aktuell


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