
Region: Stuttgart

BPOLI S: Witnesses sought: Assault at Böblingen Station

On the night of Thursday (16.01.2025) to Friday, around 11:30 pm, there was an assault at Böblingen station. A 16-year-old was injured in this incident.
According to current investigations, a 16-year-old Syrian national is believed to have been at Böblingen station on the S1 line. There, he was allegedly insulted by an as yet unknown suspect. As a result of the insult, a physical altercation is said to have ensued between the two individuals. The 16-year-old was slightly injured in this incident. When passers-by separated the opponents, the unknown person fled. The 16-year-old was found by federal police officers at the scene of the crime.

The fleeing suspect was described as a man aged around 25-30 with a southern appearance. He is said to have had short black hair and was wearing a black, white and grey striped jacket, a green spotted sweater, grey jeans and black sneakers at the time of the crime.

Witnesses are asked to contact the Federal Police Inspection Stuttgart. (Tel.: 0711 / 87035-0)

For further inquiries, please contact:

Federal Police Inspection Stuttgart
Samuel Krisan Rosenberger
Phone: 0711/55049 107

Original content from: Federal Police Inspection Stuttgart, transmitted by news aktuell


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