
Region: Grünstadt

Driving without a license under the influence of drugs

Yesterday (16.01.25), police officers from the Grünstadt Police Inspection checked a 38-year-old motorist at around 12:45 pm on Kirchheimer Straße. During the check, the officers found that the man did not possess the required driving license.
Due to indications of drug influence, a drug test was carried out. This showed a positive result for THC. This was followed by the taking of a blood sample, the results of which will show the concentration of the cannabis substance detectable in the blood. Investigations for driving without a license and participating in road traffic under the influence of intoxicating substances have been initiated.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Grünstadt Police Inspection
Bitzenstraße 2
67269 Grünstadt

Martina Benz

Tel.: 06359 9312 0


Press releases of the Rhineland-Palatinate Police are free for publication with mention of the source.

Original content from: Police Directorate Neustadt/Weinstraße, transmitted by news aktuell


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