
Region: Wismar

Slip accidents in the Wismar area

Several weather-related traffic accidents occurred in the city of Wismar in the early hours of this morning. Between 07:00 and 08:30, the police were reported at least six accidents, which predominantly resulted in property damage to the vehicles.
In at least one case, a person was injured.

For instance, around 07:00, a cyclist in the Claus-Jesup-Street area apparently fell due to the icy road and was injured.

Only a short time later, another traffic accident occurred in the Breiten Street area in Wismar due to icy roads. A 45-year-old truck driver lost control of his vehicle and grazed a car parked on the side of the road.

The total damage caused by the traffic accidents is estimated to be several thousand euros.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Rostock Police Headquarters
Franzisca Ertel
Phone: 03841 203-305

Original content from: Rostock Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell


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