
Region: Düren

Fire in a company on Kreuzauer Straße - Oil pipeline suspected as cause

In the early hours of this morning (14.01.2025), there was a fire at a company on Kreuzauer Street. The fire was reported at 02:40 am and originated in the boiler room of the company, including the associated chimney.
Initial investigations suggest that an oil line had apparently burst in the boiler room, which triggered the fire. As a result, the fire also spread to the boiler itself. All persons were able to leave the building in time. There were no injuries. The Nideggener Street / Kreuzauer Street was completely closed in both directions between Gut Weyern and Renkerstraße until 11:00 am due to the firefighting operations. The extent of the damage cannot be quantified at this point in time. The cause of the fire and the exact circumstances of the incident are being further investigated by the criminal police.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Düren Police
Press Office

Phone: 02421 949-1100
Fax: 02421 949-1199

Original content from: Düren Police, transmitted by news aktuell


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