A 30-year-old woman from the Osnabrück district was driving a Ford on Highway 1 towards Hamburg and noticed an uneven running of the engine shortly before reaching the Lohne/Dinklage junction. She immediately left the highway via the junction, where the engine eventually failed. Immediately afterwards, her car caught fire. The local fire brigade from Brockdorf responded with 14 firefighters. However, the Ford burned out completely, causing damages of approximately 5,000 euros.
During the fire and the fire brigade's operations, the Lohne/Dinklage junction on the Bremen-bound carriageway was closed, so it could not be used to either leave or enter the highway. There were disruptions for about an hour.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Albert Seegers
Police Inspection Delmenhorst/Oldenburg-Land/Wesermarsch
Press Office
Phone: 04221-1559104
Email: pressestelle@pi-del.polizei.niedersachsen.de
Social Media:https://x.com/Polizei_DEL
Original content from: Police Inspection Delmenhorst / Oldenburg - Land / Wesermarsch, transmitted by news aktuell
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