
Region: Greußen

Toddler injured in accident

There was an accident involving personal injury on Saturday, January 18, 2025, around 4:05 PM, in the town of Greußen. The driver of a VW Polo was driving on Neustadt street towards Grüningen.
According to the driver, he was adhering to the prescribed speed when suddenly and unexpectedly, just before the cultural center, a small kindergarten child (4 years old) crossed the road from right to left without paying attention to the traffic. Despite immediate full braking, a collision with the toddler could not be prevented. The child was taken to the hospital with minor injuries and admitted for inpatient treatment. The driver of the car was unharmed. The investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing.

For further inquiries, please contact:

Thuringian Police
State Police Inspection Nordhausen
Police Inspection Kyffhäuser
Phone: 0361 5743 65 100

Original content from: State Police Inspection Nordhausen, transmitted by news aktuell


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