During the search, various narcotics were found on a 20-year-old Tunisian. In addition, the 20-year-old had cash in denominations typical of the scene and a knuckle duster. At the request of the Schwerin public prosecutor's office, the Schwerin district court issued an arrest warrant against the 20-year-old man and ordered its execution.
Criminal proceedings were also initiated against the three other men of Tunisian nationality, aged 23, 24 and 25.
The cash carried, the knuckle duster and the narcotics found were seized. The investigations in this case are still ongoing.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Rostock Police Headquarters
Juliane Zgonine
Phone: 0385 5180-3004
Email: pressestelle-pp.rostock@polizei.mv-regierung.de
Original content from: Rostock Police Headquarters, transmitted by news aktuell
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