The police patrol initially wanted to check the vehicle coming towards them on Gregor-Mendel-Ring at the level of Belvederestraße. However, the 46-year-old, who currently does not have a valid driving license, accelerated the small car to approximately 120 km/h in a 50 km/h zone.
The man finally stopped his Ford Fiesta in a turning hammer on Franz-Seiwert-Straße when the patrol car came towards him from the dead-end street. During the subsequent check, the drug rapid test showed a positive result for marijuana and amphetamines, which led the officers to take a blood sample from the man and seize the car. After the 46-year-old had finally paid the fine from the outstanding warrant, thus avoiding the execution of a substitute prison sentence, the police released hi (ph/al)
Media representatives please direct inquiries to:
Cologne Police Headquarters
Press Office
Walter-Pauli-Ring 2-6
51103 Cologne
Phone: 0221/229 5555
Original content from: Cologne Police, transmitted by news aktuell
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